

Save on  Fleet Maintenance Costs – Overnight!

So a truck mechanic is busy removing cylinder heads from a big truck motor when he suddenly sees the famous heart surgeon Dr. Earnest Smoley across the street.  “Hey doc!” he yells. “Can I ask you a question?” ” Sure”  the doctor says. the mechanic wipes off his hands, straightens his shoulders and asks.” Listen doc.  I also open hearts. I take valves out,  grind ’em,  put in new parts,  and when I finish this baby will purr like a kitten. So how come you get the big bucks? ” Dr. Smoley leans over and whispers.”Try doing it with the engine running.”

It’s no secret that as your fleet ages, the cost of maintaining it goes up.   Not unlike mortal human beings,  wear and tear and thousands of miles  begin to take their toll and soon the maintenance costs are going up and up.  

So is there anything you can do about it?   

When it comes to your own health of course there is.  Daily exercise, healthy eating habits etc. …but what about for your fleet?

Until now the answer was largely no – other than regular maintenance of course.

Now there is a valuable tool  that can add many miles to the life of your fleet and it’s called a Live Vehicle Camera System.

How you ask?

Many maintenance issues are caused by aggressive driving.  Aside from the effects of harsh accelerating and braking, many small accidents and vehicle bruises go unreported when there is only one party – such as a careless backup accident. Typical GPS tracking systems leave out some of the most important information about how the vehicle is being operated. Even safe driving sensors don’t tell much of the story.  A live vehicle camera system tell you everything you need to know about how the vehicle is being used.  


Now go and get some exercise!






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